Monday, July 16, 2012


Sunset from rooftop of Hotel Empire
      Last Thursday was a great day. I woke up early to go to the gym and workout before work which always helps me arrive energized (but of course there is the dreaded hour of sleepiness that comes around 10AM). My boss had earlier given me and a few co-workers tickets to attend a preview showing of the new Christian Marclay exhibit at Lincoln Center. The piece is titled The Clock and it is a 24-hour film made up of clips from thousands of movies, each of which coincide exactly to the current time that you watch the piece. For example, I went to the 7-8pm showing, and during that time, hundreds of clips from films (old and new) were pieced together, and each clip had a clock with the exact same time as I was watching or made reference to the time. It was truly impressive and it took the artist years to comb through all these films to find precises moments. I only wish I knew exactly how he did it! (My guess is he had some interns who had to watch hundred of movies for time reference...) The exhibit is now open to the public and its FREE so go and see it! I am going back this week to watch another part. 

      After the showing, we were invited to a rooftop reception at the Hotel Empire where we got to feast on plenty of free food and drinks. It was nice to hang out with some of my fellow employees outside of the office--sometimes its hard to imagine that the people we work with even exist outside of the workplace... After a few hours of wine and conversation, we left the hotel and went our separate ways. To be honest, I was quite tired at that point, by my friend Emma convinced me to go to this posh club with her for a while. The club was called Tenjune (Meatpacking district) and was a crazy cluster of strobe lights, champagne, and dancing. We hung out for a couple of hours but by 2AM I had to call a quits. Not to mention I am pet sitting and had to go let the dog out!

      Speaking of, the dogs name is Bubbles and she is a 12-year-old Shih Tzu. Bubbles is strange because she does not enjoy being petted, quite the opposite actually because when I pet her she starts to grown and bare her teeth at me... Regardless, it is nice to be around a dog again since I miss my two at home.

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